Huy Kang Kim
listed in the Stanford/Elsevier's World Top 2% Scientist (2024)
Research Interests
Automotive Security
Network and System security
Online Game Security
Malware Analysis
Fraud Detection System
Office: 로봇융합관 304, (02) 3290-4898
Criminal IP
Criminal IP ASM
He received his PhD in industrial and systems engineering from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) in 2009. He received an MS degree in industrial engineering from KAIST in 2000. He received a BS degree in industrial management from KAIST in 1998.
He founded A3 Security Consulting, the first information security consulting company in South Korea in 1999. Also, he was a member and the last leader of KAIST UNIX Society (KUS), the legendary hacking group in South Korea. Currently, he is a professor in School of Cybersecurity, Korea University. Also, he is a co-founder of AI Spera, cyber threat intelligence service company. His recent research is focused on detecting intrusions or abnormal activities in online games, automobile, and various payment systems. Before joining Korea University, he was a technical director (TD) and head of the information security department at NCSOFT (2004–2010), one of the most famous MMORPG companies in the world.
1994.3-1998.2, BS, Industrial Management, KAIST
1998.3-2000.2, MS, Industrial Engineering, KAIST
2000.3-2009.2, Ph.D, Industrial and System Engineering, KAIST
Work Experiences
2020.3 - present, Full Professor, School of Cybersecurity (formerly, Graduate School of Information Security), Korea University
2024.3 - present, Head of Convergence Security Department, School of Cybersecurity, Korea University
2018.6 - 2021.2, Head of Cyber Security Department, Graduate School of Information Security, Korea University
2018.3 - 2020.7, Head of Information Security Department, Graduate School of Information Security, Korea University
2017.10 - present, Co-Founder, AI Spera
2015.3 - 2020.2, Associate Professor, Graduate School of Information Security, Korea University
2016.3 - 2017.2, Visiting Professor, Computer Science and Software Engineering, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
2015.9 - 2015.12, Head of Cyber Security Department, Graduate School of Information Security, Korea University
2010.3 - 2015.2, Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Information Security, Korea University
2004.5 - 2010.2, Head of Information Security Department/Technical Director (TD), NCSOFT
1999.8 Founder, A3 Security Consulting
1999.8 - 2002.4, CEO, representative consultant
2002.5 - 2004.4, CTO, Head of A3-TechLab
2003.12.31 정보통신 분야 유공자 표창 수여
2004.12.21 "NC Rookie 상", 2004년 NC모범사원시상
2007.01.02 "NC 대상", 2006년 엔씨종합시상-엔씨대상
2010. Golden List of Reviewers (IETE Technical Review)
2012.12.10 "국내논문상", 2012년 한국정보보호학회 학술상
2014. "최우수논문상", 국방정보보호컨퍼런스 2014 (주저자 장재욱)
2014. "미래창조과학부 장관상", ITRC Forum 2014 (수상자 강아름)
2015. "최우수논문상", 국방정보보호컨퍼런스 2015 (주저자 장재욱)
2015.5 "Best paper award (runner-up)", SIMPLEX 2015 ( (주저자 강아름)
2016.12 "공로상", 2016년 한국정보보호학회 공로상
2017.11 "장려상", 2017 사이버안보(보안) 논문 공모전 (주저자 김대건, 교신저자 김휘강)
2017.11 "장려상", 2017 사이버안보(보안) 논문 공모전 (주저자 권유진, 교신저자 김휘강)
2018.8 "우수상", 2018 사이버안보(보안) 논문 공모전 (주저자 이수연, 교신저자 김휘강)
2018.12 "공로상", 2018년 한국정보보호학회 공로상 (김휘강)
2019.8 "Best Presentation Award", Samsung SSTF 2019 (수상자 박경호)
2019.10 "3위", Digital Forensic Challenge 2019 Tech Contest (수상자 오동빈)
2019.10 "감사장", 경찰의 날 감사장 (김휘강)
2019.12 "우수상", 제 2회 대검찰청 과학수사 아이디어 경진대회 (수상자 박경호)
2019.12 “대상”, KSC2019 쏘카 x 한국정보과학회주관한 AI 영상분석 경진대회 (수상자: 안동현, 박경호)
2020.09 "장려상", 2020 사이버안보(보안) 논문 공모전 (주저자 박은지, 교신저자 김휘강)
2020.11 "Best paper award", ASIA JCIS 2020 (주저자 김영환, 교신저자 김휘강)
2020.11 "최우수상", 과기정통부 x 한국인터넷진흥원 주관 정보보호 해커톤 (수상자 김병연)
2021.07 "정보보호 유공자", 장관표창
2021.08 "Plaque of appreciation", ASIAJCIS 2021 conference
2021.11 "금융보안원장상", 제 5회 금융보안원 논문공모전 우수상 (오명교/이현정/김경곤/김휘강)
2021.11 "공로상", 2021년 한국정보보호학회 공로상 (김휘강)
2022.06 "제32회 과학기술우수논문상", 한국과학기술단체총연합회 (김휘강)
2022.10. The 2021 VehCom Best Paper Award by Elsevier Vehicular Communication Journal - Song, Hyun Min, Jiyoung Woo, and Huy Kang Kim. "In-vehicle network intrusion detection using deep convolutional neural network." Vehicular Communications 21 (2020): 100198.
2023.03. Prof. Huy Kang Kim, Outstanding Reviewer Award, VehicleSec 2023 (co-located with NDSS 2023)
2023.04. "Best paper award", 정성훈 (Seonghoon Jeong), 류민수 (Minsoo Ryu), 강현재 (Hyunjae Kang), 김휘강 (Huy Kang Kim), "Infotainment System Matters: Understanding the Impact and Implications of In-Vehicle Infotainment System Hacking with Automotive Grade Linux", ACM CODASPY 2023
2023.05. 고려대학교 석탑국제협력상
2023.05. 고려대학교 석탑연구상
2024.05. "Distinguished Paper Award", IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2024, BENZENE: A Practical Root Cause Analysis System with an Under-Constrained State Mutation, Younggi Park (Korea University), Hwiwon Lee (Korea University), Jinho Jung (Ministry of National Defense), Hyungjoon Koo (Sungkyunkwan University), Huy Kang Kim (Korea University)
2024.09. 개인정보 보호 유공, 개인정보보호위원장 표창 (김휘강)
2024.10. Prof. Huy Kang Kim is listed in the Stanford/Elsevier's World Top 2% Scientist.
2024.11. 2024년 사이버치안대상 - 대통령 표창 (김휘강)
2024.12. "Outstanding Paper Award", Mobisec 2024, "ARGUS: Analyzing Routes on Geolocation Unavailable Scenarios using Sensor Fusion and Deep Learning", Saehee Jun, Gang Min Kim, Huy Kang Kim, and Byung Il Kwak