Prof. Jiyoung Woo, Ph.D
She is a professor of Department of Big Data Engineering, Soonchunghyang University from Sep., 2016.
She has been a research professor from Feb. 2011 to Aug. 2016.
Research Interests - Data Mining, Online Game Security, Regressive Analysis
2016.09 - present: professor of Department of Big Data Engineering, Soonchunghyang University
2011.02 - 2016.08: Research Professor, Graduate School of Information Security, Center for Information Security Technologies (CIST), Korea University
2008.10 - 2010.10: Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Management Information System of the University of Arizona, United States
Byung Tak Kang
He has been an adjunct Professor in School of Cybersecurity, Korea University (2021.3 - 2021.12)
Research Interests - Fullstack Security Engineering, Artificial Intelligent Security, Online Game Security, Reverse Engineering, Intrusion Detection, Network Security
2021.3 - 2021.12 : Adjunct Professor, School of Cybersecurity, Korea University
2018.3 - 2021.2 : Industry-University Cooperation Concentration Professor, Graduate School of Information Security, Center for Information Security Technologies (CIST), Korea University
2017.11 - present: CEO, AI Spera
2016.07 - 2017.10: Technical Director, Infrastructure Technology Center, Neople Inc.
2012.04 - 2016.07: Sr. Team Manager, Information Security Team, Nexon America
2007.04 - 2012.04: Team Manager, Game Security Team, Nexon Korea
2004.04 - 2007.04: Lead Programmer, Engine Dev Team, INCA Internet
Publication (DBLP)
prof. KyoungGon Kim, Ph.D
He is a professor of NAUSS, Saudi Arabia from Sep., 2020.
He has been a Industry-University Cooperation Concentration Professor (2016.09 - 2020.09)
Research Interests - Enterprise Security Consulting, Security Education Development, Malware Analysis, Artificial Intelligent Security
2020.09 - present : Assistant professor, Naif Arab University for Security Sciences (NAUSS)
2016.09 - 2020.09 : Industry-University Cooperation Concentration Professor, Graduate School of Information Security, Center for Information Security Technologies (CIST), Korea University
2011.12 - : Senior Manager, Deloitte Korea
2008.01 - 2011.12 : Manager, 삼일회계법인 (Samil PwC)
2006.03 - 2007.12 : Senior Consultant, SK Infosec
2003.08 - 2006.02 : Consultant, A3 Security Consulting
Ph.D in School of Cyber security, Korea University
M.S in Graduate School of Information Security, Korea University
B.S in Computer Engineering, Soongsil University
Publication (DBLP)
Lab Leader (2011.2 - 2011.11)
Ho Jin Seo
Korea University CIST MS Course 19th
Research Interests - Mobile Security, E-Commerce, Anomaly Detection
2015.3 - present: 금융보안원
- 2015.2: 금융결제원 금융정보보호센터
Se Ryung Kim
Korea University CIST MS Course 19th
Research Interests - Reverse Engineering, Botnet, IDS(Intrusion Detection System)
2011.12 - present: KISA
2007.02 - 2010.02: Research Engineer, INCA Internet
Dong Nam Seo
Korea University CIST MS Course 19th
Research Interests - Online Game Security, Data Mining, Social Network
2012.08 - present: Neople
Sun Ho Ji
Korea University CIST MS Course 20th
Research Interests - Reverse Engineering, Behavior Analysis Malware, Windows Kernel, Botnet Detection
2015.12 - present: KAKAO
2013.05 - 2015.11: Samsung Securities
2009.03 - 2013.05: Assistant Manager, NCSOFT Overseas Security Team
2007.10 - 2009.02: Senior Consultant, SK Infosec
Pauline Koh
Korea University CIST MS Course 21st
Research Interests - SPC (Statistical Process Control), Anomaly Detection
2013.02 - present: 한국예탁결제원
Hwa Jae Choi
Korea University CIST MS Course 21st
Research Interests - Reverse Engineering, Online Game Security, Malware, Network & Local Hacking
Korea University Hacker Group Cykor
2013.02 - 2018.: ADD (Agency for Defense Development) Researcher
2018.02 - 2021.12: AI Spera, Inc.
2022.1 - 2024: Asleep, Inc.
2024 - present: lattice, Inc.
Young Jun Kum
Korea University CIST MS Course 23rd
Research Interests - Online Game Security, Data mining, Network Forensic
Korea University Hacker Group Cykor
2014.02 - present: Samsung SDS
Gi Seong Lee
Korea University CIST MS Course 23rd
Research Interests - System and Network Security, Financial Security
Korea University Hacker Group Cykor
2014.02 - 2024.06: Hyundai Card
2024.07 - present: Financial Supervisory Service
Jae Sung Yun
Korea University CIST MS Course 23rd
Research Interests - Malware Analysis, Reverse Engineering, Network Hacking, Exploit Research, Data Mining
Korea University Hacker Group Cykor
Young Joon Ki
Korea University CIST MS Course 25th
Research Interests - Online Game Security, Data mining, Reverse Engineering
- present: PUBG corp.
Jung Kyu Park
Korea University CIST MS Course 25th
Research Interests - Online Game Security, Reverse Engineering, Network Security
Korea University Hacker Group Cykor
2015.7 - 2016.2: SGA
2017.2 - 2022: Shinhan data system
2022 - present: Yanolja
Young Hoon Moon, Ph.D
Korea University CIST Ph.D Course 18th
Research Interests - Honeynets, Malware Detection(Misuse, Anomaly), Behavioral Analysis, Blacklist DNS, Sinkhole Router / Sinkhole DNS, Network Security, Intrusion Detections
2004 - present: Manager in Network Control Team of KT Corp.
2000 - 2002: Assistant Manager in HR Team of Samsung SDS
1997 - 2000: Telecommunication and Information Security Officer(Lieutenant) in OSAN AB of ROKAF(Republic of Korea Air Force)
1993 - 1997: B.S in Telecommunication and Information Engineering, Korea Aerospace University, Republic of Korea
2002 - 2004: M.S in Electrical Engineering, University of Southern California, United States
2009 - 2015: Ph.D in Graduate School of Information Security, Korea University
Chang Oh Kim, Ph.D
Korea University, CIST Ph.D. Course 21st
Research Interests - DDoS Detection, Network Security, Online Game Security
- 2014: NC Soft, Team Manager, Operation Security Team
2014 - 2018.05: Team Manager, Coupang
2018.05 - 2021.02 : CISO, KAKAO Mobility
2021.02 - present: CISO, Yanolja
He is an adjunct professor from 2021.03
Lab Leader
(2011.12 - 2013.3)
prof. Ah Reum Kang, Ph.D
Korea University CIST Ph.D Course 23rd
Research Interests - Online Game Security, Social Network, Reverse Engineering, Data Mining, Botnet
She is a professor of Paichai University from Mar., 2021.
2021.03 - present: Assistant Professor, Paichai University, Korea
2018.03 - 2021.02: Research Professor, Department of Big Data Engineering, Soonchunghyang University
2016.03 - 2018.02: Post-Doc, University at Buffalo
2006.04 - 2010.02: Senior Architect, Soft Camp
2001 - 2006: B.S in Computer and Information Security, Seoul Women's University
2010 - 2012: M.S in Graduate School of Information Security, Korea University
2012 - 2015: Ph.D in Graduate School of Information Security, Korea University
Jae Wook Jang, Ph.D
Korea University CIST Ph.D Course 23rd
Research Interests - Malware Detection(Misuse, Anomaly), Network Security, Intrusion Detections
2023 - present: Hanwha System
2005 - 2023: Information Communication Officer, ROK Navy
2000 - 2004: B.S in Computer Science, Naval Academy
2008 - 2010: M.S in Computer Science and Engineering, Seoul National University
2012 - 2015: Ph.D in Graduate School of Information Security, Korea University
Lab Leader (2016.9 - 2017.8)
prof. Byung Il Kwak, Ph.D
He is a professor of School of software convergence, Hallym University.
He has been a research professor (2021.03 - 2021.08)
Research Interests - Online Game Security, Data mining, Network Security
2021.03 - 2021.08: Research Professor, School of Cybersecurity, Korea University
2021.09 - present: Assistant Professor, School of software convergence, Hallym University (한림대학교 소프트웨어융합대학부 조교수)
2007 - 2012: B.S. in Computer and Science, Sejong University
2013- 2021: M.S, and Ph.D in School of Cybersecurity, Korea University
Jun Seok Koo
Korea University CIST MS Course 26th
Research Interests - Malware Analysis, Secure Coding, Analysis of kernel vulnerabilities
2015.12 - 2016: Zepetto
Geon Il Heo
Korea University CIST MS Course 26th
Research Interests - Network Forensic, Malware Analysis, Security Visualization, Usable Security
2023 - present: Hyundai Rotem
2014 - 2023: AhnLab
2012.12 - 2014.09: The Attached Institute of ETRI
2011.10 - 2012.11: Staff, SK Infosec
Sun Min Kim
Korea University CIST MS Course 26th
Research Interests - Online Game Security, Reverse Engineering
2016.01 - present: LINE Japan - Application Security Analyst
2010.03 - 2016.01: Overseas technical engineer, AhnLab
Lab Leader (2017.9 - 2018.8)
prof. Hyun Min Song, Ph.D
Korea University, CIST M.S./Ph.D. Course 27th
Research Interests - System & Network Security, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence
He is a professor of Dankook University from September 2022.
2008 - 2014: B.S. in Electronics and Computer Engineering, Hanyang University
2022.9 - present: Assistant Professor, Dankook University
2021.7 - 2022.8: Research Institute (Government supported)
2021.1 - 2021.6: Hana Institute of Technology
Sung Wook Kang
Korea University CIST MS Course 27th
Research Interests - Online Game Security, Malware Analysis, Network Security
2016.01 - 2018.04: NC Soft
2018.07 - 2020: Nexon
2020 - present: 우아한형제들
Jin Lee
Korea University CIST MS Course 27th
Research Interests - Online Game Security, Data mining, Reverse Engineering
2016.01 - present: NC Soft
prof. Mee Lan Han, PH.d
She is a professor at Korea University (Sejong Campus) from September 2022.
She has been a research professor (2020.3 - 2021.08).
She has been a lecturer of Department of AI Cyber Security, Sejong Campus, Korea University from Sep., 2021.
Korea University, CIST Ph.D. Course 28th
Research Interests - Cyber Threat Intelligence, Online Game Security, Data mining, Security Visualization
2004.05 - 2012.03: Chinese-speaking countries Development Part, Nexon Korea
2020.03 - 2021.08: Research Professor at Korea University
2021.09 - 2022.08: Lecturer, Department of AI Cyber Security, Sejong Campus, Korea University
2022.09 - present: Assistant Professor, Department of AI Cyber Security, Sejong Campus, Korea University
1998 - 2002: B.S. in Computer and Science, DongDuk Women's University
2012 - 2014: M.S. in Graduate School of Information Security, Korea University
2015 - 2020: Ph.D in School of Cybersecurity, Korea University
Hee Chan Han
Korea University CIST MS Course 29th
Research Interests - Online Game Security, Data mining, Data Analytics
2017.05 - 2020.02: K-Bank
2020.03 - present: Kakao Enterprise
Dong Woo Goh
Korea University CIST MS Course 29th
Research Interests - Online Game Security, Malware Analysis
2017.01 - present: NC Soft
Ha Rang Kim
Korea University CIST MS Course 27th
Currently, he is pursuing his Ph.D under Prof. Hyun Min Song's supervision in Dankook University
Research Interests - Online Game Security, Network and System Security
2017 - present: 나라콘트롤
Jae Hyuk Lee
Korea University CIST MS Course 27th
Research Interests - Network Security, Online Game Security, Data mining, SNS Security
2017 - 2024: KISA
Hyun Sung Lee
Korea University CIST MS Course 30th
Research Interests - System Security, Network Security
2018 - present: LINE Corporation (Japan)
Tae Un Kang
Korea University CIST Integrated Ph.D Course 32nd
Research Interests - System&Web Security, Data mining
2018.07 - present: 컨텍스트디
Eun BI Seo
Korea University CIST MS Course 32nd
Research Interests - Online Game Security, Data mining
2018.9 - present: KaKao Games
Min Chul Kang
Korea University CIST MS Course 32nd
Research Interests - Malware Analysis, Machine Learning
2005 - 2008: KITC (Korea IT Consulting)
2012 - 2017: Ahnlab
2024 - present: SK Telecom
2004 - 2012: B.S. in Computer Engineering, Dankook University
2016 - 2018: M.S in Graduate School of Information Security, Korea University
Su In Kang
Korea University CIST MS Course 33rd
Research Interests - Online Game Security, Car Security, Data Mining
2010 - 2016: B.S. in Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Seoul
2017 - 2018: M.S in Graduate School of Information Security, Korea University
2018 - 2022: SK hynix
2022 - 2023: SK On
2023 - present: Samsung Electronics
Se Joon Oh
Korea University CIST MS Course 33rd
Research Interests - Online Game Security, Data Mining
2010 - 2016: B.S. in Mathematics, University of Seoul
2017 - 2018: M.S in Graduate School of Information Security, Korea University
2018 - present: Mutech
Min Cheol Kim
Korea University CIST MS Course 33rd
Research Interests - Online Game Security, Data Mining
2011 - 2016: B.S. in Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Seoul
2017 - 2018: M.S in Graduate School of Information Security, Korea University
2018 - present: Netmarble
Joo Yeon Moon
Korea University CIST MS Course 33rd
Research Interests - Online Game Security, User Behavior Analysis, Anomaly Detection
2013 - 2016: B.S. in Computer Science and Convergence Security, Korea University
2017 - 2018: M.S in Graduate School of Information Security, Korea University
2018 - present: SK hynix
Hye Min Kim
Korea University CIST MS Course 33rd
Research Interests - Online Game Security, Anomaly Detection
2013 - 2016: B.S. in Computer Science and Convergence Security, Korea University
2017 - 2018: M.S in Graduate School of Information Security, Korea University
2018 - present: Line Plus (Korea)
Soo Yeon Lee
Korea University CIST MS Course 33rd
Research Interests - User Behavior Analysis, Anomaly Detection
2013 - 2016: B.S. in Computer Science and Convergence Security, Korea University
2017 - 2018: M.S in Graduate School of Information Security, Korea University
2018 - present: SK hynix
Hyung Seok Kim, Ph.D
Korea University, CIST Ph.D. Course 24th
Research Interests - Network Forensic, Internet Crime, Security Programming, Intrusion Detection, DDoS Detection
Korea University Hacker Group Cykor
- 2014: 이글루 시큐리티 인터넷보안연구소 책임연구원
2014 - 2020: 쿠팡 (Coupang)
2020.03 - present: CISO, Myrealtrip
2009 - 2013: M.S. in Graduate School of Information Security, Korea University
2013 - 2019: Ph.D in Graduate School of Information Security, Korea University
EunJo Lee, Ph.D
Korea University, CIST Ph.D. Course 29th
Research Interests - game fraud detection, big data processing, data mining, network analysis
2002 - 2007: Manager in upresto
2007 - present: Leader of Data Intelligence Team at NCSOFT
1996 - 2002: B.S. in Soongsil University
2004 - 2007: M.S. in Soongsil University
2015 - 2019: Ph.D in Graduate School of Information Security, Korea University
Ji Ho Lee
Korea University CIST MS Course 33rd
Research Interests - Web Security, Network Security
2003 - 2008: B.S. in Computer Engineering, University of Illinois, USA
2017 - 2019: M.S. in Graduate School of Information Security, Korea University
2019 - present: LINE
Jun Seok Kim
Korea University CIST MS Course 34th
Research Interests - Web & System Security, Car Security
2014 - 2017: Consultant, Deloitte Korea
2019 - 2020: ETAS Korea
2020 - present: Hyundai Motors
2008 - 2015: B.S. in Computer Science, Sejong University
Joon Un Jang
Korea University CIST MS Course 35th
Research Interests - System Security, Security Testing
2013 - present: Samsung Electronics
2006 - 2013: B.S. in Computer Science, Sungkyunkwan University
Dong Hyun Ahn
Korea University CIST MS Course 35th
Research Interests - Intrusion Detection, Car Security
- present: Saltlux
2014 - 2017 B.S. in Department of Software, Konkuk University
Kyung Min Lee
Korea University CIST MS Course 35th
Research Interests - Online Game Security, Web & System Security, Malware Analysis
2014 - 2017: B.S. in Computer Science and Information Security Convergence, Korea University
DaeGeon Kim, PH.D
Korea University, CIST Ph.D. Course 30th
Research Interests - Machine Learning, Malware Analysis, Reverse-engineering, Cyber Intelligence
2004 - 2008: B.S. in Computer Science, Korea Military Academy, South Korea
2010 - 2012: M.S. in Computer Science, University of Southern California (USC), USA
2015 - 2021: Ph.D in Cybersecurity, Korea University
Eunji Park
Korea University CIST MS Course 38th
Research Interests - Online Game Security, Data Mining, User Behavior Analysis
2014 - 2018: B.S. in Computer Science, Washington State University
Lab Leader (2020.9 - 2021.8)
Young Hwan Kim, PH.D
Korea University, CIST Ph.D. Course 35th
Research Interests - Data Mining, Intrusion Detection System, Malware Analysis
2009 - present: Information Communication Officer, ROK Navy
2005 - 2009: B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, Naval Academy
2015 - 2017: M.S. in Computer Science, Korea National Defense University
Han Eol Lee
Korea University CIST MS Course 39th
Research Interests - Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, Signal Processing
2016 - 2018: Cyber Security, Yeungnam University College
2018 - 2018: B.S in Information Security, Academic Credit Bank System
Young Hun Lee
Korea University CIST MS Course 39th
Research Interests - 5G Network, IoT Security, Vehicle Security
2017 - 2019: B.S. in Computer Science and Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technology
Byeong Yeon Kim
Korea University CIST MS Course 39th
Research Interests - Machine learning, Anomaly Detection, Malware Analysis
2015 - present : Samsung Electronics
2009 - 2015: B.S. in Software Engineering, Dankook University
Kang Uk Seo
Korea University CIST MS Course 39th
Research Interests - Anomaly Detection, Machine Learning, Malware Analysis, Secure Coding
2016 - 2019: B.S. in Computer Science and Information Security Convergence, Korea University
Young Ah Choi
Korea University CIST MS Course 39th
Research Interests - Machine learning, IoT Security
2015 - 2020: B.S. in Information Security, Seoul Women’s University
YoungGi Park
Korea University CIST MS Course 38th
Research Interests - Binary Analysis, Offensive Security, Malware Analysis
2014 - 2017: B.S. in Cyber Defense, Korea University
Min Soo Ryu
Korea University CIST MS Course 40th
Research Interests - Vulnerability Analysis, Fuzzing, IoT Security
2016 - 2020: B.S. in Computer and Information Security Engineering, Sejong University
Kyoung Ho Kim, Ph.D
Korea University, CIST Ph.D. Course 35th
Research Interests - Industrial Control System security, Bigdata analysis, Fraud Detection System
2007.05 - present: Deputy General Manager, CISO, S-OIL corp
Lab Leader (2018.9 - 2019.8)
prof. Seonghoon Jeong, PH.D
He is a professor at Sookmyung Women's University since September 2024.
Korea University, CIST Ph.D. Course 33rd
Research Interests - System Security, Network Security
2011 - 2015: B.S. in Information and Communication Engineering, Chungbuk National University
2015 - 2017: M.S. in Graduate School of Information Security, Korea University
2017 - 2023 (Feb): Ph.D in School of Cybersecurity, Korea University
2023 - 2024: Postdoc researcher, School of Cybersecurity, Korea University
prof. SangHoon Jeon, PH.D
He is a professor at Kookmin University since March 2023.
Korea University, CIST Ph.D. Course 37th
Research Interests - Automated Vulnerability Analysis, Malware Analysis, Car Security
2023 - present: Professor, Kookmin University
2007 - 2022: Samsung Electronics
1999 - 2006: B.S. in Computer Science, Korea University
2010 - 2011: M.S. in Digital Media Communication Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University
2019 - 2023 (Feb): Ph.D in School of Cybersecurity, Korea University
Dong Young Kim
Korea University CIST MS Course 40th
Research Interests – Offensive Security, Vulnerability Analysis, Fuzzing
2023 - present: Hyundai Motors
2016 - 2019: B.S. in Information Security, Academic Credit Bank System
2020 - 2023 (Feb): M.S. in School of Cybersecurity, Korea University
Korea University CIST MS Course 41st
Research Interests - Anomaly Detection, Vulnerability Analysis
2018 - present : Samsung Electronics
2010 - 2018: B.S. in Electronic Engineering, Soongsil University
2021 - 2023 (Feb): M.S. in School of Cybersecurity, Korea University
Hae Rin Kim
Korea University CIST MS Course 41st
Research Interests - Vehicle Security, AI Security
2023.3 - 2024: LIG Nex1
2025 - present: 현대모비스
2017 - 2021: B.S. in Intelligent Mechatronics Engineering, Sejong University
2021 - 2023 (Feb): M.S. in School of Cybersecurity, Korea University
Dong Joo Kang, Ph.d
Korea University, CIST Ph.D. Course 24th
Research Interests - SCADA Network / Smart Grid Security, Intrusion Detections, Social Network, Social Web of Things, Game Theory
2021.02 - present: CTO, Haezoom
2021.02 - present: IUCC Professor, Pusan National University
2017 - 2021.2 : Research Professor at Korea University
2017 - Present : CTO at CUROO Inc., Director at GELIX Inc.
2016 - 2017 : Technology Analyst at BNK Financial Group - Busan Bank
2001 - 2016: Senior Researcher in KERI (Korea Electro-technology Research Institute)
2010 - 2017 : Ph.D in Business, Yonsei University
2007 - 2011: Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, Hongik University
2009 - 2013 : MBA in Finance and Insurance, Kookmin University
2007 - 2009: M.S. in Finance Engineering, Sungshin Women’s University
1999 - 2001: M.S. in Electrical Engineering, Hongik University
1995 - 1999: B.S. in Electrical Engineering, Hongik University
Hyun Jung Lee, Ph.D
Korea University, CIST Ph.D. Course 35th
Research Interests - Information Security, Network Security, Security Visualization
2011.09 - present: Manager, Koscom
2008.11 - 2011.08: Manager, NCSoft
2006.11 - 2008.10: Senior Consultant, SK Infosec
2005.09 - 2006.11: Consultant, A3 Security Consulting
M.S in Graduate School of Information Security, SungKyunKwan University
B.S in Computer Engineering, Seoul Women's University
Chan Hyeok Jung
Korea University CIST MS Course 42nd
Research Interests - System Hacking, Web Hacking, Fuzzing
2017 - 2021: B.S. in Computer and Information Security Engineering, Sejong University
2023 (Feb): M.S. in School of Cybersecurity, Korea University
2014 - present: Autocrypt
Korea University CIST MS Course 43rd
Research Interests - Anomaly Detection, Machine Learning, Cyber Threat Intelligence
2023 - present: Samsung SDS
2015 - 2022: B.S. in Management Information Systems and Convergence Security, Korea University
2024 (Feb): M.S. in School of Cybersecurity, Korea University
Lab Leader (2019.9 - 2020.8)
Hyunjae Kang, Ph.D
Korea University, CIST Ph.D. Course 34th
Research Interests - Data Mining, Information Security, Online Game Security
2024.09 - present: Postdoc researcher, Queensland University, Australia
2014 - 2017: Consultant, Deloitte Korea
2008 - 2012: B.S. in Mathematics, Korea University
2012 - 2014: M.S. in Graduate School of Information Security, Korea University
Korea University CIST MS Course 43rd
Research Interests - IoT Security, Vulnerability Analysis, Anomaly Detection
2024 - present: Samsung SDS
2014 - 2020: B.S. in Computer Science and Information Security Convergence, Korea University
hyo sUn lee
Korea University CIST MS Course 44th
Research Interests - Vehicle Security, Machine Learning
2017 - 2022: B.S. in Computer Science, Dongduk Women's University
HwiWon Lee
Korea University CIST Ph.D. Course 36th
Research Interests - Embedded Security, Offensive Security, Fuzzing
2013 - 2016: B.S. in Cyber Defense, Korea University
He is now pursuing his Ph.D in UIUC, USA
Lab Leader (2013.4 - 2014.8)
Hyuk Min Kwon
Korea University, CIST Ph.D. Course 24th
Research Interests - Anti-Malware, Online Game Security, Intrusion Detection System
2014 - 2021: 한국정보통신기술협회 (TTA) 선임연구원
2010 - 2012: M.S. in Graduate School of Information Security, Korea University
2012 - 2024: Ph.D (All but Dissertation)
Ki beom park
Korea University CIST MS Course 45th
Research Interests - Vehicle Network Security, Malware Analysis, Web Hacking
2023.3 - 2025.2: M.S. in School of Cybersecurity, Korea University
2017 - 2023 : B.S. in Department of AI Cyber Security, Korea University Sejong Campus
Korea University CIST MS Course 45th
Research Interests - Vehicle Security, Cloud Security
2023.3 - 2025.2: M.S. in School of Cybersecurity, Korea University
2019 - 2023: B.S. in Information Security, Seoul Women's University