UAVCAN Attack DAtaset
1. Dataset dESCRIPTION
1. Dataset dESCRIPTION
UAVCAN is a protocol that runs the CAN bus in UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) and provides a reliable communication method.
UAVCAN operates in the application layer and is often used in UAVs, Spacecraft, robots, and Automobiles.
This dataset was prepared by collecting standard data and attack data from rural mobile vehicles using the UAVCAN v0 (DroneCAN) protocol.
In particular, we built a test bed with drones using PX4 and collected data from Flooding, Fuzzy, and Replay attacks.
Attacks have a total of 10 scenarios.
This data set will help develop technologies such as IDS to solve the security threat problem of drones.
Technical Reports (written in Korean): LINK
Technical Reports (written in English): LINK