
Andro-Dumpsys dataset

This is Huy Kang Kim, an associate professor in Graduate School of Information Security in Korea University, South Korea.

Thanks for your interests in our malware samples.

We provide our malware dataset only for research purposes.

We note that you are not allowed to distribute the dataset to others without our permission.

Before downloading it, please read the following instructions carefully.

(1) The most of samples are zipped using 7zip.

(2) Then send e-mail to cenda at to get the decompress password. (Please identify your name, affiliation and purpose.)

(3) Please use these samples at your own risk.

Download links are as follows:

Samples used in Andro-Dumpsys

The activation periods for all above dataset is 30 days, then before expired, you might download our dataset.

If you use our samples for your experiment, please refer our paper.

Jae-wook Jang, Hyunjae Kang, Jiyoung Woo, Aziz Mohaisen, Huy Kang Kim, Andro-Dumpsys: Anti-malware system based on the similarity of malware creator and malware centric information, Computers & Security, Volume 58, May 2016, Pages 125-138, ISSN 0167-4048,


Best regards,

Huy Kang Kim